Inessa Gunther
At the age of 6, I began my 20-year dancing career in Russia. While on tour, a close friend and image consultant made a startling suggestion “With your pale skin, long full deep red wavy hair would change your look entirely... the longer, the better! This is your new image.”
I was in awe at how the hair extensions created an entirely new look. I felt more beautiful and confident and the boost to my career was instantaneous. From that moment, hair extensions became an integral part of my beauty routine.
Upon retiring from dancing, I instantly knew my next calling. I applied and was accepted to an elite hair institution in Berlin. I became passionate about the opportunity to positively impact the self image of other young women through hair extensions. Through years of continuing education and dedication to my craft, I developed a reputation as one of the industry’s best and the celebrity clients followed (as did my move to Los Angeles).
It was at this point that I began to realize how difficult it was to procure quality hair in the u.s. because my clients demand the best, I began an extensive global search for the world’s best hair. the result of my search has become Inessa Gunther true hair. Based on my years of experience, I can say that my product wears better, lasts longer and more closely resembles natural hair than any other. I sincerely hope the result of my effort is a resource to serious professionals that helps them to deliver the highest quality hair at the industry’s best value.
Please enjoy!